Tag Archives: fractale

L’étude “Establishing archaeological prospectivity maps of ancient mines on the basis of EDA and fractal model applied to geochemical data” présentée à l’IGC 2012, Brisbane

Mine dans le Morvan

L’étude “Establishing archaeological prospectivity maps of ancient mines on the basis of EDA and fractal model applied to geochemical data” par F. Monna,  C. Gourault, E. Camizuli, R. Nedjai, G. Hamm, F. Cattin, B. Bohard, C. Petit, J.-P. Guillaumet, P. Alibert, présentée à l’IGC 2012, Brisbane. [ppt].

Projet “Identification et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels”.

Résumé: The exploitation of the polymetallic ore deposits in the Morvan Massif (France) is now attested for the Iron Age by archaeological excavations. Several recent environmental studies have even suggested that mineral resources may have attracted populations as early as the Bronze Age. However, in a so vast (5000 km2) and woody region, it is very difficult to undertake systematic pedestrian prospection. This study aims to delineate geochemical anomalies from the background in order to target more specifically the areas where mineral substances are abundant, and hence to drastically restrain the size of the area to be prospected. Read more »